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Templeton Manufacturing Solutions Services

Mike Tempeton's 					Expertise  Strategy and Business Planning
I provide an advisory service that focuses on the development of a preliminary strategy and business plan that accurately reflects the road-map to success for your business. A good business plan is made up of five components—1) a statement of purpose, 2) a summary of the key elements of your business and product offering, 3) an assessment of your industry, marketplace, your competition and the target customer base, 4) financial assessments, status and planning, and finally 5) critical supporting documents and back-up information. A well-developed business plan will address key questions including but not limited to the following:
  • Who are your current customers as well as your new targeted customers?
  • Who is your competition and how do their capabilities compare to your company?
  • What industry and marketplace does your company currently serve?
  • What new industry or marketplace does your company want to serve?
  • What products and services are you offering to your customer base?
  • What are the capabilities and the limitations of your organization?
  • Where do you want to do business geographically?
  • Why do your current customers buy your product or service?
  • How is your product or service differential from your competition?
  • How much cash/capital do you need to sustain your business?
  • How are you going to achieve/maintain financial solvency?
  • When do you execute key components of your business plan?
As a member of an executive management team that launched a new +$100MM company under new ownership, I have in-depth understanding of how to develop company mission statements, vision statements, values for operation, multi-year business plans and supporting execution plans.

I will work with my clients to conduct a review of existing business plans including a comparative analysis of your company strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. My approach will be to engage your employees at every level within your organization in order to build upon their experiences and expertise.

Working with them, I will help to identify gaps in your business objectives and business plans, and I will develop actionable improvement opportunities as well as target timelines to meet your business expectations. The result will be an improved business plan that ensures continuity between your business objectives, your company capabilities and your plans to accomplish the business goals.

Mike 			Tempeton's Expertise  Business Processes and Management System Optimization
A business process is a collection of related, structured and linked activities or tasks that collectively serve to achieve a particular goal, and is composed of a management process and an operational process. While the management process defines how leadership will plan, control and govern the operation of the organization, the operational process defines how work gets done within a company. A management system is the framework of these processes, procedures and instructions used to continually improve your organization’s effectiveness and to ensure that the organization can fulfil all tasks required to achieve its objectives.

I have extensive experience in the development, implementation and maintenance of business processes and management systems including Operational Excellence programs and procedures, manufacturing efficiency and cost optimization, performance metrics and key performance indicators, and project management systems. My experience includes ISO-9001 quality system certifications, ISO-22000 food safety certifications and management review processes.

I will provide an “outside and objective” analysis of your company business processes and management systems. My review will focus on all operational activities of the business as well as a review of your management structure and systems used to monitor and measure your company performance. As part of the evaluation process, I will be able to compare benchmarks and best practices against your company processes and systems and to identify continuous improvement opportunities.

Operational reviews will evaluate how well your company communicates expectations between customers, management, staff and front-line operations. I will identify any examples where daily activities are not consistent with the goals and objectives outlined in the business plan. The outcome will be a confirmation of what is working well and what needs improvement, and if necessary, to review if the objectives of the business plan need to be revised. Management reviews allow for the evaluation the effectiveness of how a management team is controlling and directing operational activities designed to achieve their goals and objectives. My analysis will help you to build on identified strengths of your management systems as well as identifying positive aspects of the company that may not be fully developed or defining potential problem areas that could impede success.

  • Operational Excellence

  • I have experience with over 20 specific operational excellent standards and procedures that can be used to address any of eight different areas for your business—1) leadership and personal accountability, 2) organizational competency, 3) compliance, 4) technology and knowledge management, 5) risk management, 6) operations, 7) product stewardship and 8) community and stakeholder relations. I will conduct a gap analysis of your operation against a select few or all of these standards and procedures. I will develop an action plan and associated timeline to eliminate the gaps and move your operation closer to Operational Excellence.

  • Manufacturing Efficiency and Cost Optimization

  • I have extensive experience in the field of optimizing manufacturing costs and improving operating efficiencies. Successes have included multi-million dollar spending reductions vs. annual manufacturing budgets as well as significant process efficiency improvements that have lowered overall manufacturing costs and increased productivity and output. I will conduct the analysis outlined below to define and implement improvement opportunities to improve efficiencies and optimize costs.

    The first step to optimizing manufacturing costs is to understand where and how dollars are currently being spent. The evaluation of spending should include invoice payments by company, types of goods and services being bought, and internal specifications and requirements for materials being purchased.

    By conducting a Pareto analysis of all vendors, suppliers and materials/services purchased, a prioritized list based on dollars spent will be developed by vendor and supplier. A similar Pareto analysis will produce a prioritized list based on dollars spent for specific material and goods/service purchased. Finally, a review of all specifications given to suppliers for all materials being purchased will be conducted. A review of the spending and specification data will lead to multiple cost optimization opportunities including the possible elimination of need, a reduced usage requirement, revised specifications leading to lower cost materials, renegotiations with existing vendors for improved supply cost, or identifying the need to search for new suppliers.

    In order to execute an efficiency improvement program, process performance measurements and metrics must first be in place so that an assessment of the processes “current state” can be defined. If no such metrics exists, these will be developed in conjunction with your manufacturing experts including direct engagement with your front-line operating, maintenance and logistics employees.

    Understanding the process “theoretical best possible” performance level sets the boundary for how much improvement possibility could exist. Knowing the value of the gap between the “current state” and the “theoretical best possible” allows for an identification of which processes represent the largest value improvement opportunity if successful through efficiency improvement efforts. Finally, determining the “best demonstrated performance” of a process provides for a gap analysis between the “current state”, the “best demonstrated performance”, and “theoretical best possible”. Comparing all three performance assessments allows for the determination of a “probability of success” in setting and achieving targeted efficiency improvements on selected processes. Then I can use a pathway- to-improvement process to capitalize on the improvement opportunities.

  • Performance Metrics and Key Performance Indicators

  • In my 39 years of experience, I have learned that if you don’t measure it, you cannot improve upon it. Employees will drive themselves to perform and improve if there is an effective measurement and feedback process in place.

    A performance metric is a measure of specific activities within an organization, and each metric should support a wide range of needs. Performance metrics must be linked to a company business plan and specific operational goals and objectives. While traditionally many metrics are financed based, it is also critical to develop metrics and performance indicators inwardly focused on the operational performance of the organization. Developing performance metrics usually follows a process of:

    1. Establishing critical processes/requirements as defined by stakeholders at every level
    2. Developing measures that will gauge the performance of those critical processes/requirements, and
    3. Establishing performance targets against which the results can be scored.

    A key performance indicator (KPI) will reference a type of performance measurement and are used to evaluate the success of a particular activity. In order to choose the right set of KPI’s for an organization, a good understanding of what is important must exist or be developed. “What is important” will depend on the specific department or area that is measuring the performance. Because of the need to develop a good understanding of what is important, performance indicator selection is often closely associated with the use of various techniques to assess the “current state” of the business, and its key activities. These assessments lead to the identification of potential improvements, and as a consequence, performance indicators are routinely associated with performance improvement initiatives. A very common way for choosing KPI’s is to apply a management framework such as a balanced scorecard or a performance dashboard.

    I will review existing performance metrics and key performance indicator systems, or if necessary, help you to develop effective metrics to monitor your company’s performance and drive continuous improvement.

  • Project Management and Execution

  • Project management is a carefully planned and organized effort to accomplish a successful project. Projects can come in many forms and sizes, but always have a defined starting point and end point. Projects usually follow major phases or stages including feasibility, definition, project planning, execution, evaluation and on-going support/maintenance.

    Project management includes developing a project plan. Each project plan should include the following: 1) defined and agreed project goals and objectives, 2) identified specific tasks outlining how goals will be achieved, 3) quantifying the resources and skills needed, 4) determining budgets, and 5) defining timelines for completion. It also includes managing the implementation of the project plan, along with operating regular “controls” to ensure that there is accurate and objective information on “performance” relative to the plan, and the mechanisms to implement recovery actions where necessary.

    I will evaluate your project management and execution system against proven benchmark processes by analyzing recently completed projects and evaluating the successes of these projects as well as missed opportunities that could lead to future improvement. I will also assist your company in setting up improved project management processes specifically aimed at capital investments and large maintenance repairs.

    Finally, I will help you set up the proper performance metrics associated with a successful project management and execution plan.
Mike Tempeton's 		Expertise  Occupational and Process Safety
Protecting the safety of employees, contractors, visitors and neighbors must be a paramount expectation for any company. Companies who do not understand the importance of establishing and maintaining a good safety culture in every level of their organizations are burdened with moral, financial and regulatory/legal penalties which can threaten their business. Built upon a strong background of multiple safety improvement successes, I provide specific expertise in the field of occupational and process safety management. I have successfully implemented sustained safety improvement programs that resulted in a reduction of recordable injuries of 9 per year for a 215 employee company to an average of less than 1 per year. I have also developed and delivered topic-specific safety training programs for both manufacturing and office workforces.

Working together, I will conduct an effectiveness assessment of your company’s safety management system. Specifically, I will evaluate the strengths and opportunities for improvement in each of seven components that should exist in your safety management system—1) your safety policy and philosophy, 2) continuous improvement goals/objectives and action plans, 3) organizational roles, responsibilities and accountability, 4) identification and understanding of hazards associated with your operation, 5) risk assessments and associated risk mitigation plans, 6) operating practices/procedures, performance monitoring and system effectiveness auditing and 7) overall system documentation.

My hands-on approach to evaluating your safety management system will begin with a review of safety performance history, i.e. injury rates, workman compensation costs, regulatory agency actions against your company, serious incident or near-miss reviews, and audit findings. If necessary, I will work directly with your employees to conduct my own in-depth safety system audit and compare your company against numerous benchmark best practices and procedures as well as regulatory standards. Immediate focus will be given to any “life-critical” procedures as well as areas deemed as “immediately dangerous to life or health” should such issues exist. A gap analysis will be developed resulting in an agreed corrective action plan and associated time-line aimed at addressing deficiencies as well as continuous improvement opportunities.

Mike 			Tempeton's	Expertise  Emergency Preparations and Management
A company’s ability to plan for potential disasters such as severe weather (including tornado and hurricane), abnormal operating situations, fires, medical emergencies, environmental spills/releases or external threats to security is critical to an effective emergency management process. These plans must provide for the safety of your employees, contractors, visitors, neighbors and emergency responders.

The first step in developing any emergency response plan is to conduct a thorough risk assessment for your company and your operations to identify all potential emergency scenarios. Once the risk scenarios are identified, mitigation plans can be developed with a goal of eliminating the risks all together, or at a minimum, reducing the risks to an acceptable level as defined by your business. The third step is to determine to what degree, if any, a trained emergency response team is required. If required, the emergency response team must be able to effectively utilize an incident command process and an emergency operations center concept that is designed in conjunction with your local emergency response organizations and their normal response time to reach your location. Embedded in the response team decision making is a predetermined decision making priority of life safety first, incident stabilization second and property conservation last. Finally, you must conduct real-time practice drills of your emergency response programs and systems. I provide specific expertise in the field of emergency preparation and management systems. I am a trained and proven Incident Commander with a successful history of designing and implementing emergency incident command management systems emergency operation centers and emergency response drills and training. I have worked directly with the Jacksonville Fire & Rescue Department including participation of emergency response training at the local Fire School.

I will conduct a completeness and effectiveness study of your company’s emergency risk assessments, risk mitigation programs, emergency response capabilities and associated emergency management systems and practice drills. If necessary, I will coordinate your plans with the local emergency responder groups to insure consistency and continuity with their programs should they ever have to respond to your location.

Mike 			Tempeton's Expertise  Organizational Development
Organizational development is designed to help a company change and evolve as the business climate changes. An OD program can come in the form of a long-term organized process or a targeted improvement effort on select areas. A primary component of organizational development deals with development of employees—it is the “people side of operational effectiveness”. Over the past 39 years, I have compiled several key learning’s to consider when addressing individual employee development:
  1. Employees must be treated as people and not as a resource.
  2. Employees want to develop to their fullest potential and will do so if given the opportunity.
  3. Employees perform best in a work environment that is engaging, exciting and challenging.
  4. Employees must be empowered and allowed to take reasonable risks and make mistakes in order to learn and grow.
  5. Trust must be earned, and not expected—open communications is critical.

There are four areas of expertise that I offer which directly supports “the people side of operational effectiveness”—1) communications and employee engagement, 2) coaching and people development, 3) performance management process and 4) training and team building.
  • Communications and Employee Engagement
  • My experiences have taught me that communicating with the front-line employee is the best source of information, and by listening, you will definitely find opportunities to improve the operations. I have also learned that by asking and listening, you are also likely to hear solutions to existing problems that may not have been heard before.

    My hands-on approach to solving problems and identifying hidden value opportunities is built upon the premises that the front-line employee is living with the problems every day and therefore, they understand what may or may not help them solve the problem. My role will be to develop a process to engage your employees, ask questions and then listen. Then improvement programs and action plans with time-lines can be developed to improve your operations.

  • Training and Team Building
  • Training addresses the acquisition of new knowledge, the development and enhancement of job skills, and expands one’s capabilities around job competencies. My experiences have taught me that before a training initiative or a series of training programs is offered, it is important to conduct a needs assessment first. What do your employees need in the form of knowledge, skills and competencies in order to do their current job as well as growing toward their next job?

    I will assist you in conducting a needs assessment for your employees and then identifying target training topics and training programs to help your employees develop and grow. Depending on the training needs that are identified, I can either assist your leadership group in developing your own internal training program, or I can find external resources that can provide the training to your employees.

    A team in the business world is a group of people who are linked by a common purpose, usually to solve a problem or implement an improvement. I have learned that not every project requires a team— some projects just require a person to “go do it”. However, for more complex projects, setting up a formal team builds upon a foundation of employee engagement and is a very effective way to have employees bring new ideas to the table and to take a collective ownership for the outcome.

    I will identify opportunities for your company to use the team process, and as such, assist in setting up effective teams using several tools and benchmark processes that I have learned over the years. As part of this process, I can teach your leadership groups how to establish and facilitate teams in the future, and how to identify and avoid pitfalls that prevent teams from being successful in achieving their goal.

  • Performance Management and Coaching
  • Employee performance management systems are designed to ensure that goals and objectives are consistently being met in an effective and efficient manner, or if shortcomings exist, timely feedback is given so that the employee make corrections and still achieve the desired goals. I have found that a solid employee performance management system is built upon four cornerstone concepts: 1) communications, 2) consistency, 3) documentation, and 4) guidelines and procedures around corrective actions.

    The terms mentoring, training and coaching are sometimes used interchangeably, but in fact they each have diferent meanings. Mentoring comes from a trusted counselor or guide and allows for the transfer of historical experiences and knowledge. Training is about teaching and instructing on a specific topic. Coaching however, is about establishing a supportive environment and helping an individual to improve their thought processes, decision making and behaviors. Coaching will take place “on the job” using real tasks, real issues and current problems as a basis for the learning experience.

    Using multiple tools that I have acquired over the years, I will assess your company’s performance management system, or if none exists, help you establish an effective system. The outcome will include 1) a talent assessment process built around targeted leadership and core competencies applicable to your needs, 2) an effective performance evaluation and feedback system, 3) a process for coaching employees to improve performance and 4) training in how to effectively execute and manage these programs.

        PMB 173
        9802 Baymeadows Rd.
        Suite 12
        Jacksonville, FL 32256-7987
        Email: mike@templetonms.com
        Phone: 904-651-4955